Saturday, November 12, 2011

Not the "Norm"

I want to be an exception to the norm.

In today's society, it is hard to stand up for my beliefs. Either hardly anyone today shares my beliefs, or it is just that everyone who does is like me: too afraid to speak up.

My thoughts and beliefs cannot be expressed unless they are "politically correct."

Our world is becoming so gray. There appears to be no "right from wrong." We strive so hard to make everyone feel welcome and make sure that everyone is treated equal. We loose sight of morally right and wrong. Does anyone still have morals and values in this day and age? I can see why people like things "black and white" because then there is a clear distinction between right and wrong.

I, either fortunately or unfortunately, see things in life as either a dark shade of gray, or off-white. I have "black and white standards" for my life, but I cannot honestly judge others based on my own personal morals.

But anywhoo, I strive to be the person that God wants me to be. I am not trying to fit a mold that society, or anyone else for that matter, thinks that I should be in. I say this day in and day out, and continue to say it: God is in complete control of my life!

Without God steering my ship, I have no idea where I would be in life. I was just talking with some amazing women of God last night and recounting how I used to flow with society and be quiet about God in my life. As one girl put it, "Whisper Christian."

Unfortunately, we are in a day and age where Church and State are separated. One of my professors told the class that she could make us leave if she (or a classmate) was offended by any one's religious practices. I still carry my Bible around campus when I can.

Though I have to say, it gets sticky: We are allowed freedom of religion, but as soon as someone is offended by something that someone says or does (whether directed at an individual or not) then it seems as though the standards change.

Jesus himself said that we will be persecuted because of Him! While as humans we do not want to undergo this, when we look at this from a spiritual standpoint, how beautiful is that? How beautiful is it to surrender our lives to God so much to the point that although we are outcasts, and frowned upon by others and talked about and laughed at and mocked and so so so much more, how amazingly beautiful it is to realize that God is protecting me and that I have GOD on my side!

"You will be hated by all because of My name, but it is the one who has endured to the end who will be saved" (Matthew 10:22).

1 comment:

  1. Speaking up for your faith takes maturity. I love the song "Jesus Freak" and I don't care if people label me that. In fact, that is a good indicator that I am living out loud. Relativism is pervasive. Stand firm. There is a real Truth. And he is also the WAY and the LIFE! Blessings, neighbor. --Amy
