Sunday, December 25, 2011

Today is "not just another day"

As Christmas Day was quickly approaching, I began wishing that I had not volunteered to work it. I longed to go to church with my momma and sisters. I longed to go there for breakfast and open gifts together and just have family time. And if I could not do that, I wanted to sleep in. I wanted to make a special breakfast for/with my dad seeing that today is also his birthday. I wanted to just sit back and relax and do nothing, have nothing pressing to do, have no obligations; basically just be lazy.

I began convincing myself that Christmas "is just another day" and that I can work and that that would be that. "Just pretend that it is any other Sunday" I would tell myself. But that just did not settle well with me.

Eventually, I remembered to surrender to God. I need to have that unwavering faith and trust in the Good Lord that everything is happening exactly as He has willed for my life.

What I have learned these past 2 days, is that worrying and regret and trying to stay in control of the situation accomplish nothing. I had the most amazing Christmas Eve! I woke up and my little sisters let me know that they were coming over. While I already had plans, I was beyond thrilled that my dad would be able to spend time with them! I met a friend for coffee and we had such a lovely conversation! I went home and finished making the pot roast for dad's birthday dinner. We ate then just kind of chilled until we started getting ready for church at 8ish. We knew that we needed to get there early; for exactly as anticipated, the church was practically packed by just before 10 (and people were still filing in!). Afterwards, Pastor told us that there were books they were giving out as Christmas gifts. I already had one, but picked up the new one. When we got home close to midnight (as after Mass we drive around and looked at Christmas lights) we drank ginger ale and watched some tv. By 12:30 we were both (almost) ready for bed.

5:30a.m. came way too fast, but I at least made it to work on-time. While my client was still in bed, I bgan reading the book that I got last night from church (Confessions of a Mega Church Pastor: How I discovered the Hidden Treasures of the Catholic Church by Allen Hunt). As soon as I started reading it, all these thoughts came flooding to me and I had the mindset that everyone else needs to read this book; it is just that good. I read through the first couple pages then had to put it down. It dawned on me that this time to read the book and the message the book has is for me at this point. That is not to say that others won't benefit from it, but I cannot read the book with the focus and hope and mindset that someone else will have my same reaction. I asked God to help me realize that the lesson that this book has for me; not what lesson I think it has for anyone else.

I picked up the book and continued reading. I read pages 1-126 in less then 7 hours (which also includes working). The approach Allen uses is so beautiful. He is one of the first people I have come across who comes off so un-biased. He makes a claim, he strongly supports his claim and it is obvious where he stands. What makes me say beautiful and unbiased is the fast that he was a well known senior pastor at a Methodist church. He slowly but surely became Catholic, but when he stepped down from the role of senior pastor, he helped the new pastor transition in easily. How easy it would have been for him to say he no longer believed as them and just turned on his heel and went his merry way? What he did was just beautiful to me.

This is not one of the books that is only read once. Once I finish up the last 15 pages then read the short appendix, I will read it again.

Today has been a day of learning. I am thankful for this opportunity. For if I was not working, I more then likely never would have picked up that book. And even if I had, I never would have put as much time into reading it as I have the past 7 hours.

I have many more questions. More things have come up. But this book had just proven again to me that I need an undying faith and trust and hope in the Lord. There are some points of the book that I am still allowing God to work on within me, but there are just so so so many good aspects of this book! I do highly recommend it! It is not a book saying that one has to become Catholic, it is just one man's strong faith in the Lord and the journey he was on. He goes through some of the hardships him and his wife faced, the medical problems they encountered as well as even when it seemed hopeless, God is still good!

A day that I once wished would be just another day, has proven to be crucial in my growth and faith and walk with God!

I wish all my family and friends the most wonderful of day filled will exuberant joy! For today is the celebration of the birth of Our Lord and Savior! What a beautiful day it is indeed!!!! :D

Merry Christmas- from my web browser to Yours. <3

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