What is the point of spending money on something that I am not passionate about? I am not sure. I wanted an associates just for the sake of saying that I had an associates and so I would feel accomplished. Now, if I want to get my associates in Art, then change my major, what will that do for what I want to do next? My heart keeps telling me "Oh, I cannot wait to change majors!" When anyone asks about my current education, this is a typical conversation:
"What are you going to school for?"
"I should have an Associates in Art in two semesters!"
"What do you plan on doing after that?"
"Change my major out of art!"
"Change it to what?"
Well, maybe possibly that "..........." has been replaced with "accounting." Maybe.
I want to go where God wants me to go. I want to listen to what my heart is telling me. I want to do something that helps people. Can I help someone working in accounting? I sure hope so. So, looking up the degree on the school's website, I found the list of requirements needed to "receive an Accounting Associate Business degree." And wow. Pretty much back to square one. I currently have a whopping 4 (yes, that is right, 4) credits done that can be put towards an Accounting Associate Business degree. My wellness class (yoga) and praise the Dear Lord, my Survey of American Government is out of the way! And maybe, possibly, potentially, some of my other classes will count as electives. But I don't want to hold my breath on that one. The only ones that have a shot, I believe, are my 3 math courses from last year.
Accounting is not really something that just magically showed up on my doorstep (unlike Art/Graphic Design); it ha kind of always been on the forefront of my mind -- just the farthest part back of the forefront. I have always loved numbers and have been good with them. Someone, somewhere along the way suggested accounting. At that point in my life, I was convinced that I was going to be a Registered Nurse working in post-pardum. Yea... there is currently no passion for going to school to be an RN anymore.
So, here I sit, sophomore year of college. 2/3 the way to obtaining my AA (Associates in Art). Just about ready to change my major to something completely unrelated! Is this what I am suppose to do? I haven't had any counseling (but I will. But tomorrow is the first day of registration and I need to register for my fall classes before I have the chance to meet with an adviser. But I will call soon and try to set something up). I have 4 classes adding up to 14 credits ready to enroll in come 8am Tuesday Morning. Am I ready for this?
I had my mind all set to take a ton of classes this summer and fall to have my AA after Fall semester. God has placed it upon my heart to stop and really re-evaluate where He wants me. And while I really still don't know where He wants me 100%, I am ready to take this leap of faith.
One fear is that I will get 2/3 the way done with Accounting, and then want to change my major all over again. Seriously? Sounds like something I need to take up to my Heavenly Father. This is why I like short [degrees]. (Hence like my CNA license. It was $800 and 6 weeks. I didn't really have a chance to think about what I was doing long-term or get bored with it or feel as though a ton of money was being wasted. Or maybe it was all just a part of God's master plan? I will go with the latter). At least staying at the Community College is cheaper then almost anywhere else (staying home and working full time would be the cheapest at this point!).
I have learned much in the past 4 semesters though. I have learned, on some level anywhoo, what it takes to achieve good grades. I have grown as a person in so many ways. I am learning what I like and don't like, my passions. And while I will always enjoy art, I don't see myself having a career in it. Unless God wants me to. I now look at things differently. Granted, when I go to design my kitchen, we shall all see how many of these design elements I take with me.
This semester, I am enrolled in a photography class. I have always been passionate about photography. While I may or may not go beyond an amateur, I have learned much in this class and will take so much with me. Even in the past 10 weeks, my images have improved (I will have an "end of the semester in photos" blog post in about 4 or 5 weeks [if I can figure out how to upload pictures to my blog] to display my growth).
Best decision yet has been to drop my summer classes and stop working so hard to achieve ranks in this society. What is the point of pressing forward if I am unsure of where God is calling me? I have almost 5 whole months to pray and discern what God is calling me to do before Fall semester starts up in August. Until then, I will be registered for Business classes pertaining "to receive an Accounting Associate Business degree."
Oh happy day!
"And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him." (Col. 3:17)
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