The past week has been absolutely, amazingly wonderful. Those small things in life that are often overlooked, even by my own self, are truly being appreciated, even if it takes days to recognize it.
From the 3rd shift nursing assistant staying an extra 30 minutes talking to me, to going to the lake and having a lovely conversation with a 7 year old, to friends making dinner, to a friend of a friend giving up her bed to sleep in the tent thus allowing me to spend the night, to going back up north to spend the afternoon and evening with my sisters, to going shopping with my older sister, to going to a fourth of July party and meeting new people (even when the night is spent mostly talking to one person), to sleeping in Tuesday morning, to seeing I got a great grade on my math test, to going out Tuesday night with a friend, to being invited to hand out food and clothing to the homeless this weekend, to making dinner for another friend and spending the e n t i r e evening talking! Oh, my life is so abundantly blessed!!
I don't really even know where to go from here! My week has been hectic, but as I look back on it, God certainly had a huge hand in the way it panned out! I work with such wonderful people. Granted, I only get to see them at change of shift, the Friday night aide and I get along so well. Typically she comes in after me, and I stick around talking with her. Even when the roles we reversed, and I came in at 7, she stayed until nearly 7:30. We were just talking and talking. She, too, has inspired me to stay on my journey in search of developing my relationship with God.
It had been in the works to head to the beach after I got out at 3 on Saturday. Despite the getting less then 5 hours of sleep in between working 16 hours, I went to Holland and had a great time with my friends, and friends of friends and the children! I was planning on coming home late Saturday night, until it was decided that I could have one of the beds in the house. Wow. One of those little (or big) blessings! So I ended up staying the night and heading out mid Sunday morning.
Later Sunday afternoon, I went to meet my sisters to go to the small town carnival. We had such a blast! We kept rotating who we would ride with, and it worked out beautifully. We took a small dinner break, then went back to ride the rides at night! Oh how fun! Didn't get home until close to midnight! Then work Monday morning! On Sunday my sister and I decided that she we would go shopping together on Monday, so I could get something red to finish my red, white and blue outfit. It has been awhile since my sister and I have done anything together, but I appreciate every moment we have together. With both of us and our busy lives, it is great when we can coordinate time together!
So after shopping, I came home and fell asleep for two hours. Obviously sleep deprived! Woke up an got ready to head to the 4th of July party! It was great. Saw familiar faces as well as a few new ones. Sat out back chilling, snapping picture of everything and everyone. Then we headed downtown! What a blast! There was a large group of us, yet we managed to get all split up. Good times. Stood at rosa parks circle for a bit, even learning how to swing dance a little. Such fun! Then it was time to get a spot to watch the fireworks. What a complete zoo! People everywhere, no place to walk, sit, stand, move! But we got a decent place on pearl street bridge. Though I was quite certain I would be falling over, I manged to stay standing up. The fireworks display was brilliant! Some of my pictures actually turned out quite decently! Then we headed back. I waited 45 minutes before heading back home, and even then the traffic was quite hectic! Took backroads over half way home to avoid the craziness! But made it home in one piece. Then slept until nearly 11 the next morning! Had the sun not gotten me up at 6a, it would have been a decent 11 hours of sleep, that was desperately needed! But alas, I try again tonight.
Tuesday night ... oh what to say about Tuesday night. I was something else, that is for sure! I understood the math lesson, best I could, yet the prof. kept going over and over and over it. I was okay with that, had I only been able to practice the problems and then have him explain again. The quiz seemed to go well, so at least it appears I understand the material as much as I think I do. The final is going to be fun. I should probably start studying now! Afterwards, got together with another friend and we enjoyed our evening!
I was going to meet a friend downtown this afternoon after I got off work. God certainly had a hand in the planning of this, and that is certainly n o t what He had in mind for us! She ended up coming to my house and I made us dinner. We held down the front porch for awhile just talking and talking and talking. This is the first girl close to my own age that I have sat down with and connected with this well. Such an amazing person. Helped put things into perspective, using analogies that my mind could grasp. Things that I've been struggling with were suddenly made clearer. The things that I've been fighting were realized to be wonderful blessings that need no fighting. God is here with me, pouring His unconditional love upon me. I am His daughter, and He is forever watching me and guiding me. I realize I am not perfect. I realize that God is there lighting my way. For that I am truly grateful.
I am ever so thankful to have been introduced to wonderful, Godly people. You all have been an inspiration in the just the short time I've known you. You have welcomed me with open arms, inspiring me to be myself and seek my own relationship with God. Only God knows where my journey will take me, but as for now, I am content with where I am. Today was the first time I have actually gotten down on my knees and thanked God for being in my life, for being there despite me putting Him second for the time I did. The past 3 weeks have been such an eye-opener, and I pray that I continue to grow in God's grace. Before, while I noticed the "little things," now I actually appreciate them more and thank God for them; for they all serve a purpose! Words cannot fully express my feelings! They can pretty much be summed up with the statement: God Bless All of You!
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