To write nonstop would be ideal. With everything rushing through my mind, sharing everything that inspires me, that motivates me, that makes me whom I am would be such a blessing. But that is not ideal. Certainly I cannot write at all times. To do that I would ultimately miss out on the small, yet more important, aspects of life. Also, not everyone thinks and comprehends as I do. Everyone has their own learning style, their own course of action to achieve their desired results. So even if I spent all day, all night writing and writing, it would only reach out and help a small portion of the population. Needless to say, God is ultimately the only One who can reach out and touch everyone at once. We are all so small in that comparison!
One of my many realizations:
After I had finished eating lunch with my cousin, when I went to leave, the main road behind me was closed off. After seeking an alternate route, I ended up at school, my ultimate destination. I quickly learned that the road was being blocked off for Betty Ford's funeral procession. Supposedly, it stated at 1, but by now it was 1:20. Since I had not seen anything on my way to school, I thought maybe it was delayed. I had the notion to watch it go by, but by the time I had learned about it and made the decision to see it, I was already too late. Then I got to thinking ... and then thanking God that He does not work that way! What if God only had certain times He called us to Him? What if we decided that we were going to live our life for God, only to show up and realize that we missed Him by a sheer 5 minutes. No, we are so very blessed that God is here. Here all the time. He is always calling our name. Always waiting for us to find Him, to return to Him, to take comfort and refuge in Him.
God is infinite. He has no clocks, no time lines, no deadlines or anything of the such. He always was, is and will be. We can be sure that when we call on God, we will get Him directly. No worries of answering machines or phone trees. No call waiting, no being put on hold. We call, we get God. Could we possibly ask for anything more??
I was talking with a friend yesterday, and telling her how I have stopped asking God for exact things; I now ask "for what I need." It is amazing how things come into my life that I never would have imagined asking for, yet can hardly imagine living without now that they are there. Have you ever had one (or several) of those moments where you get exactly as you asked for? Only to realize a short time later that you are more miserable then before you received? Amazing how God truly does know best!
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