Monday, August 8, 2011

Action speak louder then words; be yourself!

I have often heard that someone can put on a fake personality for up to 3 to 6 months. Typically beyond that, true colors start to show through, and what one once said they were, actions now prove either to be true, or false.

Why be fake? Why pretend to be something you are not, when in the long run, it is not beneficial--to anyone? Why go after something or someone, with ill-intentions, only after so long be turned down and labeled as untrustworthy? Why be something or someone that someone else believes you should be? Why make it more complicated then need be?

To put it simply, why not live the life that God intended you to live? Why not be the you that God created? Only you can be yourself, no one else can do it for you. You cannot fully please anyone by being what they think you should be. If you allow someone else to dictate how you live your life, that person is only going to find more and more fault with you and strive to turn you into what they think will make them happy.

I want to be me. I want to live my life in accordance with God's most holy will. I want to be honest and trustworthy, true to my word. God is the center of all happiness. I strive to please God, not people. I help people and care about them, in God's holy name. Everything I do, I do it for God. It serves no purpose to be fake and pretend to be someone else just so people like me. God will help place those people in my life who will accept me for me. He will also place those people in my life who will challenge me to be a better me; people who will help bring me closer to Him. He will also place those people in my life who challenge me and test my faith. But if I am me, when those trials arise, I will turn to God for help and strength.

While I am not perfect and never will be, I take comfort in the fact that I strive to live my life according to God's plan. What is God's plan for my life? Only He knows. I pray that He revels His plan to me, step by step, and holds my hand and guides me every step of the way. I certainly cannot please everyone, but those people that God wills in my life, He will give them the graces to accept me for me, or bless them with a tongue to penetrate my stubborn heart and guide me more and more to Him.

God has certainly been ever-present in my life. I pray to Him that I become the person that He wants me to be. I want to be real. I want to be true. I want to live my life for God and Jesus. Through Him all things are possible.

"in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight." -Proverbs 3:6

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