Sunday, August 7, 2011

What could be more wonderful ...

Yesterday was yet another wonderful, wonderful day!

I have an amazing friend that I went to visit. I thank God that it all worked out how it did. We certainly could not have planned it any better; the plans that were originally set, were certainly not the plans that God had in store for us. Though with that sole reliance on God, and with the knowledge that He is in control, we managed to keep positive attitudes and go with the flow for what the evening held. What an incredible way to spend the evening by reading the Bible, having long talks, walking to the store for icecream, renting a movie, then standing out on the balcony underneath the stars!

As I get to know this person more and more, I feel more and more blessed. There are no words to explain the feelings that go along with spending time with this person. Every time I have left, I have felt such an uplifting, powerful, freeing feeling -- to name a few. Not only is there a smile on my face, but a smile on my heart as well! Never have I ever had that experience before! It would be far to easy to place all the credit on this special individual, but I know that the credit goes to God.

I can see God working in this person. I can see his sole reliance on God, his drive to have God in his life, his determination to have Christ as his rock, foundation and cornerstone! Overall he is an inspiration to be around!

While with him yesterday, I experienced something beautiful. While it did not start out that way, it certainly ended that way, and I am ever so thankful for it! Through our long, deep conversations, I felt as though we were not going anywhere. There was much talk, but no answers and no solutions. I was getting frustrated. My mind then got the attitude that if there were not going to be any answers to my many questions, then I was going to leave-there was no point in sticking around. I knew this was not right! Communication, communication, communication! So I headed to the bathroom. Sitting there on the edge of the tub, I began crying. I begged God to take my stubborn heart, to take it away and break it down. I did not, do not need it. I sat there for prolly a good 5 minutes before a huge wave of peace came over me. I could feel God's presence. I dried my eyes, then headed back out to the couch. I went back out to do what we intended to do to begin with. We opened the Bible and read the first chapter of Thessalonians. Then talked on that for a good while.

As the night continued on, we continued to talk about goals, dreams, aspirations, likes, dislikes, and the such.

If only today had gone as exceptionally well... Today has been a wonderful day, but not nearly as uplifting as yesterday. It is days like today that make me realize just how much I need God in my life, and just how weak I am without Him. No person can fill that void that only God can. Sometimes I forget that. Sometimes I think that I can make myself happy, or if only this would happen, or if I could only have that or if so and so would say, do, act in a certain way, then all would be good. How mistaken can I be? With God's grace, all of those things will bring the temporary joy and the such that comes with it, but only through God, because of God will the desires of my heart be fulfilled!

I have so many blessings to be thankful for! More and more lately, I have been getting down on my knees out of pure thanksgiving. More and more tears have been shed out of pure joy! My heart almost forever wears a smile now! God has guided me to those people who uplift me, who bring me closer to Him, to those people my heart has been longing for for many, many years now!

As I grow closer to these special people, I offer a prayer that these friendships and relationships are pleasing to God, that we continue to grow together in holiness and grace, that God looks upon us and smiles.

While words are few, God certainly knows what is in the deepest silent places of my heart. And you can be certain that God is looking out for all of you and holding you close to Him.

I love you all and care about you deeply!

"God does not see the same way people see. People look at the outside of a person, but the Lord looks at the heart." 1 Samuel 16:7 

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