Tuesday, September 6, 2011

A man worth pursuing

Everything that has led up to where I am today has most certainly unfolded as God has willed it. 3 months ago, that is not what I would have said. Yes, even 3 months ago I was struggling to find my purpose, striving to find an answer as to why certain life experiences had unfolded the way they did.  As I turned my focus more and more toward God, I realized that that is where my focus needs to be and where it should have been all along. The more I build this relationship with God and Jesus, the more and more at peace I am. The more joy I experience. I can hand over my trials to God with a readiness and faith in Him. He is in control of my life. Due to this, I am reaping such bountiful harvests! I am being blessed with so many things that I never could have ever imagined for myself!

This brings me to the current chapter called my life. Since I have surrendered my life to God, God has proved in so many ways that He has taken it into His hands and is helping me all the way.

Little did I realize what would entail after a wonderful meeting on the 4th of July. Just meeting this certain individual is a blessing in and of itself. Only God can be in control of what has been progressing. Up to this point, I had never experienced a God-centered relationship.

In these past 9 weeks, I have learned many characteristics of what a real man is.
• A man of God. He has God in His life and continually seeks to pursue a relationship with God and Jesus. God is first and foremost in his life. Even over a girl. He knows he is nothing without God.
• Prayer. He prays daily and encourages others to pray with him.
• Respect I. Respects not just women, but everyone has a whole.
• Respect II. Doesn't use/abuse women. (And he encourages modest dress, clean speech, etc.).
• Seeks to build a friendship with God as the core and solid foundation.
• Humble. Strives to live for God, but realizes he is human and prone to sin, but doesn't use that as an excuse to give into temptation.
• Realizes that women are his sisters in Christ.
• An inspiration to be around. Inspiration to live a life for God.
• Trustworthy.
• He practices what he preaches.
• He loves to spend quality time together -- going out and doing things together. Getting to know each other on a personal and intimate level.
• Purity! Sets boundaries. Obeys boundaries. Never intentionally steps over them. Prays to stay pure.
• Acceptance. I can be myself and am loved for it.
• (Everything else that cannot be described with words at this time!)

This is just a small, small list. This particular individual is more amazing then words can describe. I thank God for blessing me with him. Everything I have stated is completely new to me. I have felt so unworthy, but it has become obvious to me that when I give my life to God, He will (and IS) blessing me with so many extraordinary things beyond anything my mind could have imagined! It is true that God knows and answers the prayers and desires of the heart.

As time continues, I strive to keep my focus on God and I look forward to God revealing what He has in store for the two of us as we pursue this new, beautiful relationship together! It is in His hands alone. Everything that has happened, and is happening, is because God has willed it. Amen.

I, too, have grown by leaps and bounds. Everything that I have found that "makes a real woman" will follow in another blog entry in the future if God so inspires me to write it. <3

"Delight thyself also in the LORD; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart."
(Psalm 37:4) 

"For this is the will of God, even your sanctification, that ye should abstain from fornication: That every one of you should know how to possess his vessel in sanctification and honour; Not in the lust of concupiscence, even as the Gentiles which know not God."
(1 Thessalonians 4:3-5)