Saturday, June 11, 2011

The Eye-Opening Journey

This poem was written later in the year 2010. I had realized that no one can fight my fight for me. That if I keep on moving along, I will be able to follow my dreams and accomplish big things. It is about letting go, and believing in self. Again, stay positive, and grace is there to guide me along. It is clear to me now, that by no means am I alone, though physically, I am.

The Eye-Opening Journey

This journey I am on,
I am to travel alone,
And follow my own path,
To discover the unknown.
My future is carved,
By each new step I take.
Each choice to move forwards or backwards,
Is deciding my fate.
Over snow capped mountain,
And under frozen water,
My journey is not get easier,
But constantly harder.
Up hill and down hill,
Across arid land,
I do not say I can’t do this,
But instead that I can.
The weather all around me changes,
From good to bad,
But I persevere,
For the end result is mine to be had.
As I look down,
Chaos is all scattered around.
Everyone’s excess baggage,
Is everywhere to be found.
I add to this graveyard,
Of baggage unwanted,
And progress even faster,
As my load has been lightened.
As I ascend higher,
And my travels get tough,
Sometimes I get discouraged,
Because I think I have had enough.
But thoughts are not reality,
Just my mind playing with me.
I sort through this feeling,
And the truth I can now see.
I will no longer live,
In darkness and fear.
For when I did that,
I could not see clear.
While I have always been looking,
Through my own eyes,
I realize now that
The majority of it has all been lies.
Such things as ego,
Self-hatred, pity and doubt,
Have all played a part,
In these lies coming about.
Once this eye-opening experience
First took place,
I was able to look around,
And for once see my abundance of grace.
Grace has made this journey
So much more tolerable.
At the end I will look back,
To see everything has all been worthwhile.
 I will stay positive,
And bask in my light,
That shines from inside me,
Ever so bright.
While I do not know,
What my future has in store,
I have the confidence,
To go out and explore.
Despite my mind,
Wanting to play,
My heart knows this path,
Is where I need to stay.
I once again forge forward,
Head high, and standing up straight.
No matter what I face on this journey,
The overall experience will be great. 

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