Wednesday, November 2, 2011

What are you thankful for?

So, with this being November and Thanksgiving coming up here rather quickly, what are some things that you are thankful for?

1) I am thankful for having God ever so present in my life. I love it that I can turn to Him in all things and He is always there ready to help!

2) I am thankful for the opportunity to spend quality time with friends and family.

3) I am thankful for awesome friends whom I can talk to them about anything!

4) I am thankful for relationships so centered around Christ, that when trials arise, we know who to turn our focus back on to and where to draw our strength.

5) I am thankful for awesome Christian music that is always a comfort just when I need it.

6) I am thankful for a job that allows me to do my homework at work.

7) I am thankful for my dad for giving me a place to freely explore and discover on my own without fear of judgment.

8) I am thankful for children of all ages. Being able to spend time with them and love them for who they are is priceless!

9) I am thankful for my crockpot. So many yummy fall meals have been prepared in it thus far!

10) I am thankful for random phone calls that are intended to be a quick "hi" but turn into talking for hours on end.

11) I am thankful that I rely on God, and not on technology and the such -- for if that were the case, this would be one very unpleasant person.

12) I am thankful for living in Michigan!

13) I am thankful for Church!

14) I am thankful for the ability to work extremely well under immense pressure (yes, I s h o u l d be working on my paper that is due in 24 hours instead of blogging... lol)

15) I am thankful for clean, cool drinking water.

16) I am thankful for warm running water.

17) I am thankful for those people who come in my life for the sole purpose of teaching me a lesson, and then it is time to move on (but sad in a way too, but happy knowing that God used them in an incredible way in my life!).

18) I am happy that I get a semi-steady paycheck and can at least pay my bills on time.

19) I am thankful for my Bible and for all that God has revealed to me through it!

20) I am thankful for my car, for as reliable as it it. And for a garage that I can park in at night (so I don't have to scrape the windows at 7:10 in the morning when I am already running 10 minutes behind schedule)!

21) I am thankful that I am thankful for so many things!

22) I am thankful for my piano.

23) I am thankful for the opportunity to go to college.

24) I am thankful that I can blog and journal.

25) I am thankful that I am accepted for whom I am.

26) I am thankful that God loves me unconditionally.

27) I am thankful for where I am in life -- every aspect, despite some areas being more trying then others.

28) I am thankful that I am improving in my art class (and that my prof told me that she likes how "expressive" my value is in my drawing!!!)

29) I am thankful for beautiful fall colors, light breezes, and sunshine.

30) I am thankful for summer rainstorms and rainbows that follow!!

31) I am thankful for scarves!

32) I am thankful for mac and cheese.

33) I am thankful for my phone and other technical devices that I do use regularly (but can live without).

34). I am thankful for my dining room table.

35) I am thankful for self-sticking stamps.

36) I am thankful for heating pads that I can take to bed with me at night.

37) I am thankful for men who treat me as their sister in Christ, and whom I treat as a brother in Christ.

38) I am thankful for hope. I am thankful that I can have that hope in Christ to bless me indeed!

39) I am thankful for the stars! And the comfort that they bring when I look at them!

40) I am thankful for my background, for it has made me whom I am today!

41) I am thankful for the adventures that lie ahead on my journey through life.

42) I am thankful for Jesus, who died on the cross to save me.

43) I am thankful for life. (Any day above ground is a good day!)

44) I am thankful for everything else that I have not said yet.

45) I am thankful for Y O U who is currently reading this. God bless you richly!

46) I am thankful for open-minded people.

47) I am thankful for everyone in the medical field.

48) I am thankful for all my brothers and sisters in Christ.

49) I am thankful for those brief moments that I can spend with my Lord, my God in silence.

50) I am thankful that God knows the desires of my heart and will bless me with them if, and only if, He knows they will bring me closer to Him!

51) I am thankful to be thankful for the life that God has blessed me with! What a wonderful life I have!


  1. Oh honey I'm so glad I read this, I love it! You're such a greatful woman, and I'm so glad you can see the small things and be thankful for them. Thanks for inspiring me to be thankful for so much more!

  2. Awwww, Mandy! Thank you! God Bless you indeed!

    It is such a rewarding life living it out for Christ- and being able to appreciate all the small things and big things that comes my way!!
