Saturday, June 23, 2012

Communication: A good starting point

Communication is key. What a beautiful things good communication is!

I've been watching "Switched at Birth" on Netflix today and it just appalls me with the lack of communication that is going on, and all the lies and secrets and waiting to say what needs to be said. Now, I do get that it is a tv show. It is meant to be as dramatic as it is. Yet at the same time, when watched with an open mind, it can be used to teach lessons.

Relationships, especially maintaining them, has seemed to become a struggle as of lately. I think the biggest thing is that there is lack of good communication. Things have happened over the recent past which in turn as resulted in hurt feelings, toes being stepped on, and walls and barriers being put up. I am certainly to blame at least to an extent in each of these circumstances.

Speaking up, speaking out, stating what is on my mind or in my heart has always been challenging, and as time goes by, it continues to be a struggle. Things have become so bottled up it seems within that even my journal lacks randomness and heart pouring. Basically every page has the same cry written from top to bottom on it, "Oh dearest Lord, I NEED YOU, please, please help me!"  And whilest that is indeed certainly true, there prolly needs some clearer communication.

Sitting in prayer the other day, I was telling God that I feel so lost. When clearer then clear, He told me that I have so many walls up that I simply cannot be lost. I need to let Him break down these walls in order for me to become fully lost within HIM! It was quite the humbling moment. I long to be so lost in God. I long to be so transparent. I long for closeness and oneness and unity with God!

Communication. Good communication. It starts between me and my Heavenly Father. <3 Then when that is full, it can overflow into all my relationships.

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