Monday, October 17, 2011

The calm of the storm

What a crazy past 7 weeks! I am now half way done with a way too busy of a semester of college (And to think that the majority of the work comes in the second half!).

The biggest thing that I have learned up to this point, is that I am never again taking 15 credits in one semester again. Yes, yes, I do realize that the more I take, the sooner I can get done. But, I am enjoying college. I hear too many people say that their college experience went by way too fast for them. I want to take it slow and enjoy every moment of it. I want to take the time to actually learn the material, and not just do it to get it done and behind me.

Nothing in life is that important where I have to blow thru college just to get a "good paying job." That won't define me. I am not going to college so I can get a job making lots of money. The money does not matter. I am definitely going to college to grow and earn a new education; but college is not everything.

Through my crazy hectic life of a college student, I am making time for God. If God weren't a part of my daily life, I have no idea where I would be. I think back to the days when God wasn't my center. It saddens me to think that I used to be able to get through life on my own. How foolish was I?!?

Knowing that I need God in my life and striving to live my life according to God's Most Holy Will for me certainly brings up some trials. Proclaiming that God is the Lord of my life has just set me up for attacks from Satan. Recognizing that God is always there for me, and that I can turn to Him in all things just puts my heart at ease.

I fully believe that it is because of God that I have lasted this far into this semester of College. Putting God first and foremost in every aspect of my life fills me with such joy; such joy that only comes form God! How truly and wonderfully blessed I am.

It is so wonderful having people in my life that constantly point me back to God as well. Surrounding myself with Christ followers, so dedicated to Him, has proven to be a blessing beyond measure. When I start questioning, or doubting, or am just plain selfish, it is like an arrow lights up and points upwards saying "turn it all over to God!" Surrendering it all to God has been a slow process. How easy it is to talk the talk, but not walk the walk! I can talk and talk and talk about giving my life to God, but what good are the words without the actions? Actions definitely speak louder then words!

My goal is for people to see Christ when they see me. I want to be a follower of Christ. With God's overflowing grace, I can and will and am achieving that. Overall, I want to be the woman that God intended me to be. Amen.

1 I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help.
2 My help cometh from the LORD, the maker of heaven and earth. 

-Psalm 121

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