Saturday, December 31, 2011

"That was sooooo last year"

Wow. Another year over, what have I done? Maybe it should be more like "what haven't I done?"

What an amazing year 2011 has been! I am just amazed when I look back at where I was a year ago. This year has been filled with great things and not so great things. There are regrets and there are moments that I wish I could relieve. There are moments of great joy and moments that brought deep pain. But all the good, and all the "bad" have shaped me into whom I am today as I joyfully enter 2012!!!

Some of 2011 blessings and highlights:

• Started my first semester ever of college

• Ended my first semester of college with a 4.0 GPA!

• Dad and I bought a house and moved into an absolutely wonderful neighborhood!
• Began attending the college group (where I have since meet some of my bestest friends ever (and more friends through them!)
• Planted a stake deep in the ground for Jesus!!! And it has only gone deeper!

• Completely off anti-depressants and continue to be!
• 4th of July. Never ever going to forget that wonderful night of fellowship, first try at swing dancing, fireworks on the crowded pearl street bridge and just chilling on the front porch meeting new people.
• First time serving the homeless!
• Began the wonderful adventure of getting to know an amazing individual in a special way.... in which I learned (and continue to learn) so so so so so much! Not only about myself, and the other individual, but about God, relationships centered around God, what it is to actually love.... just to name a few. :) 

• Celebrated my birthday and one of my closest friend's birthday!
• First time all year of having 19 whole days in a row off from college! (First and only time of the year if you count it by calender year seeing as while I have 4 weeks off now, I only got from the 14th to the 31st) LOL

• Labor Day cookout and a lovely talk learning more about God and Jesus and a walk around admiring God's beauty among us!

• Halloween parties! :D :D :D

• Finally joined a church after nearly 5 months of attending!

• Christmas!
• Christmas parties!
• Giving gifts!
• Dad's birthday
• A little more about "letting go and letting God" ... 
• Being able to confidently share Jesus and my belief in Him with others!
• New Years' Eve! And my dear friends birthday and party and just having close friends here with me at this very minute! What a way to end a year and start a new one!!

This is just a very, very short list, but it is what comes to mind on this wonderful night! <3

I am so blessed beyond words and I say it all the time, but I seriously don't know if any of y'all will e v e r truly know how much I deeply care about you and love you all.

God has placed you all in my life for a reason, and I pray that through the gift of y'all, I can continue to build my relationship with God, as well as all of you too!

As I said one year ago: 2010 has been a wonderful year and has laid much ground work for 2011 to be even better. How true that was! And I say this: 2011 was an absolutely amazing year! I am excited to see what God has planned for me and where He is leading me! I pray that I continue to have complete faith and continue to surrender and I continue on my journey!

A big thanks to all of you who have impacted my life in so many ways! Whether I told you or not .... but the chances are... you've inspired me in at least one way. :)

God Bless you all this exciting night! Stay safe!

 Peace out 2011!

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