Tuesday, March 20, 2012

A Voice of Silence

This past weekend, as I was praying, begging God to reveal to me those things in my life that keep me from Him, those things in my life that take up too much time, those things that are a distraction and can be either limited or eliminated, He spoke to me. "Facebook," He said. "Facebook? Yes, God, I know Facebook is a huge distraction, but what am I to do? It is the sole way of communication with several people... if I get rid of it, how will I talk to them?" Question, after question, after question popped into my head. I argued, I tried reasoning, I tried to see if there was another way. There wasn't. I thought maybe I would be strong enough that maybe if I only did not log on then I would be okay. But this has been tried in the past. This has been attempted. It has not worked. I am not strong enough on my own. Keeping an active facebook page would be too tempting to log on to see if anyone has posted on my wall, liked anything, sent me a message, etc., etc., etc. I would feel obligated to get on right away and respond. From a psychological approach, everyone is used to me being on alllll the time and know that it is one of the fastest ways to get a hold of me. Maybe it is all in my head? Regardless, I am trying to break this habit. Once I learn what God is teaching me, if He tells me I am okay to reactivate my page, then I will. Facebook will no longer be where I "hang out." It is not, nor will be where I go when I am bored and need to be social. Yes, indeed it is a huge form of comunication, but I do not want it to be the sole form of communication. I remember when emails were the thing to do. It was cool to email. Now I feel that we are so technology advanced that the simple joy of am email is lost. Tho I actually prefer the fine art of hand written letters.... despite the fact that I am way behind on the ones that owe to a few people....

So, all in all, I have been without facebook for almost 3 days. Yea, I know three days. Three days is nothing in the grand scheme of things. But what have I learned? I have learned that I spent way too much time trying to connect with people via the internet versus actually get out and enjoying life. I have actually spent more time interacting with people and doing homework (yey photo shoots!)! I am getting done what needs to get done. I am productive. It was amazing doing homework yesterday afternoon and not being distracted by my phone with facebook! I have been reading more. I have discovered an amazing blog that has really given me a different view/insight on where I am at in life.

Yes, I do miss facebook. I miss the convenience of being able to just write on someone's wall or send them a facebook message, etc. There is something on my heart that I want to share with a friend, yet I only have her contact information via facebook. So, I pray for patience and that God continues to teach me and help me grow and that I can endure this time away from the socially advanced word of technology until God reveals to me more of His master plans for my life.

This time is me and God time. God can use me to reach the world in far more ways when I am away from my computer then when I am glued to the facebook page. I look forward to having it back and using it in a very limited way. But as for now, this time away is much, much needed.

God Bless †

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